Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Want to Change My IP Address - Using IP Hiding Tools to Protect Your Identity Online

Shopping online is one of the many conveniences created by the internet. Instead of spending hours outside just to buy a few things, the internet has allowed everyone to shop for the products they want and have them delivered. It's a win-win solution for the business owner and buyer as the owner is no longer limited in some areas while the buyer get's what he or she wants without wasting time traveling.

But the convenience of online shopping has also caused a few problems. While it's easy to shop online, the information entered can be stolen and used without any permission. Attacks are made on innocent online shoppers. Their credit card information is stolen and eventually sold for others to use. The real credit card owner will just be surprised with the unknown charges made on his or her credit card. Before they become aware of the situation, they are already victims of identity theft.

These attacks are possible because of the exposed IP address. Everyone is provided with this unique number by their ISP (Internet Service Provide) and this data is shared to every website visited. This is used for business reasons - websites want to know the location of their visitors. Unfortunately, some abuse this free information by using it as a bridge to monitor the user's activity. Without any warning, the credit card data is stolen.

The exposed IP address can be easily hidden through simple tools. Users can consider proxy server websites so that they can surf anonymously and even shop online. There are hundreds of proxy server websites to choose from and although they are a bit slow, they can easily hide your IP address from websites and hackers. The second option is to use an application that automatically hides the user information in any browser. Although IP hiding applications are not free, it is faster and can be used in more websites.

For a reliable tool to change your IP address, surf anonymously and protect your identity online from hackers, CLICK HERE!

For reliable and affordable tools to surf anonymously and protect yourself from identity theft, visit

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