Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Website Security - Should You Really Protect Your Website With Expensive Software?

You hear it all the time "it will not happen to me" or "they can not get past my software". People online are becoming more and more lazy and with laziness comes a price. Imagine your sole income was your dating website for example, what would happen if it got hacked and your site was nothing?

That is right you would lose your income and if you have not got some other source of income...probably your house. I think having the right security is a must for any serious website, do you think websites like Facebook and Google spend $10 on the black market for security...I do not think so.

They invest in thousands of dollars worth of security programs and this is for a good reason. Not only do people trust a website that has top notch stability, they will be more comfortable visiting it over and over again. It is a win win situation really, your website is safe and so are your potential customers. Trust is always a key element in this type of business.

Having a safe site always shows your customers that you care about your business and in turn this means you care about your clients. This is great for your reputation and a lot better than all these sites that are just out to scam people. Like in the fashion world, the online world is all about first impressions and image. If you can get this right, people will pay attention and so will their wallet. Have a great day.

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