Quickly glance up to your address bar when entering information and see if it is a secure page by looking for the https:// indicator, a website address can be http or https, and the added 's' after 'http' is a very good indicator of how safe you are filling out a form or giving information on that site.
If you find yourself clicking on a link taking you to one of your major sites, such as Google, eBay, amazon, or other frequently visited sites, make sure the page feels right to you and that your information is being asked in a familiar manner. If not, there are times I will close out my browser and type in the site name itself to know that it isn't a ghost site or phishing site. Then you can always search the site for the information you were looking for.
Add a special character to your password: I know it is easier to have 1234 be a password but it offers very little resistance to thieves online and they are always looking for the easiest way in. A special character could simply be password0# or changing letters to a symbol like pa$$word08, adding a number and a character is much harder to power through with a password cracker.
Be sure to change your passwords periodically as the more you enter a password around the internet the more likely it is to be discovered. By changing your passwords you leave those that have obtained your information at a loss when they go to enter your information finding out that the password no longer works.
To take your safety to a higher level you can always "hire" someone to monitor and keep your information safe. You may be aware of companies designed to monitor and track your credit card score and activities to warn you of odd charges or a change in your score. There are also companies that will keep your password and log-in information safe and organized effectively doing for your internet safety what these other companies do for your financial security. Please check out the resource box below for more information on one of the best of these password and information protectors.
These are very simple yet effective methods that help you be more aware of your activity and vulnerability on the internet.
Thank you,
David Roman